코딩 연습

프로젝트 오일러 54번 본문

project euler with python

프로젝트 오일러 54번

코딩아저씨 2016. 3. 15. 15:32

문제는 다음과 같다.

In the card game poker, a hand consists of five cards and are ranked, from lowest to highest, in the following way:

  • High Card: Highest value card.
  • One Pair: Two cards of the same value.
  • Two Pairs: Two different pairs.
  • Three of a Kind: Three cards of the same value.
  • Straight: All cards are consecutive values.
  • Flush: All cards of the same suit.
  • Full House: Three of a kind and a pair.
  • Four of a Kind: Four cards of the same value.
  • Straight Flush: All cards are consecutive values of same suit.
  • Royal Flush: Ten, Jack, Queen, King, Ace, in same suit.

The cards are valued in the order:
2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, Jack, Queen, King, Ace.

If two players have the same ranked hands then the rank made up of the highest value wins; for example, a pair of eights beats a pair of fives (see example 1 below). But if two ranks tie, for example, both players have a pair of queens, then highest cards in each hand are compared (see example 4 below); if the highest cards tie then the next highest cards are compared, and so on.

Consider the following five hands dealt to two players:

Hand Player 1 Player 2 Winner
1 5H 5C 6S 7S KD
Pair of Fives
 2C 3S 8S 8D TD
Pair of Eights
 Player 2
2 5D 8C 9S JS AC
Highest card Ace
 2C 5C 7D 8S QH
Highest card Queen
 Player 1
3 2D 9C AS AH AC
Three Aces
 3D 6D 7D TD QD
Flush with Diamonds
 Player 2
4 4D 6S 9H QH QC
Pair of Queens
Highest card Nine
 3D 6D 7H QD QS
Pair of Queens
Highest card Seven
 Player 1
5 2H 2D 4C 4D 4S
Full House
With Three Fours
 3C 3D 3S 9S 9D
Full House
with Three Threes
 Player 1

The file, poker.txt, contains one-thousand random hands dealt to two players. Each line of the file contains ten cards (separated by a single space): the first five are Player 1's cards and the last five are Player 2's cards. You can assume that all hands are valid (no invalid characters or repeated cards), each player's hand is in no specific order, and in each hand there is a clear winner.

How many hands does Player 1 win?

정답은 열심히 노력하셔서 알아 내시고, 본인의 결과가 어디서 잘 못되었는지 확인하기 위해서 승패 결과 자료를 공개하겠다.


포커에 대한 사전 지식이 없어 이 문제를 너무 어렵게 접근했었다.

너무 자세한 승부 판정에 대한 걱정은 하지 않아도 되는 문제다.

문제에서 설명하는 범위에서 모든 승패 판정이 가능하다.

즉, 같은 rank 에서는 highest card만 가지고 승패를 판정할 수 있다.

더 이상 복잡한 결과는 주어진 데이터에 없다.



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